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Empowering the next Generation of Women Leaders

The Centre for Advancement of Women in Politics within the school of Politics, International Studies & Philosophy at Queen’s University, Belfast runs a leadership training programme for women entitled the ‘Next Generation’.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Empowering the next Generation of Women Leaders

This four day intensive course (non-residential), based at Queen’s University, includes workshops and seminars on topics such as conflict management, communication skills, leadership skills, team management and work/life balance.  It is a programme that is designed to benefit both the participants and their sponsoring organisations, by giving participants key skills as well as a more focused sense of their personal leadership capacities, a clearer strategy for the future, and an appreciation of the personal challenges and rewards inherent in becoming a leader.  It is a course, which may also help to contribute to gender equality strategies within the workplace.

The Next Generation Leadership programme is open to women who are identified by their sponsoring organisation as leaders of the future, and who are committed to making a difference.  The programme is designed to operate within a broad understanding of decision-making and thus welcomes women keen to participate and advance in all aspects of economic, social, political and public life. 

Our next programme will run from 3rd-7th December 2012, and we invite applications for this upcoming programme.  If you (gender allowing!) or any colleagues were interested, we would encourage you to apply as soon as possible, as places are limited to 20 per programme. Please note that funding should be in place at time of applying. 

Next Generation Leadership Programme
Monday 3rd – Friday 7th December 2012

Monday 3 December 2012

1900 – 1930 Wine and Soft Drinks Reception in the Canada Room
1930 – 2200  Welcome Dinner in the Canada Room
Address:  TBC
Tuesday 4 December 2012

0845 - 0915 Registration, and Refreshments in the Senate Room

Session 1 Introducing Dialogue: moving beyond dysfunctional communication
0915 - 1230 Sarah Hill, Dialogue Facilitator & OD Consultant
1045 – 1100 Refreshment Break

1230 - 1315  Lunch and informal mingling

Session 2 Developing Yourself as a Leader
1315 – 1630 Sandra Lee, Learning & Development Consultant
 1445 - 1500 Refreshment Break

Wednesday 5 December 2012:  Canada Room

Session 3  Speaking with Confidence
0900 - 1445  Kellie O’Dowd, Head of Training, Trademark Belfast  
1045 – 1100 Refreshment Break

1230 – 1315  Lunch and informal mingling 
1445 - 1500 Refreshment Break

Session 4  Nothing Ventured...   
1500 - 1630 TBC
Thursday 6 December 2012: Senate Room

Session 5 Getting the Future We Want
0900 – 1230 Mark Faulkner, Director, Focused Partnerships Limited
1045 – 1100 Refreshment Break

1230 – 1315  Lunch and informal mingling

Session 6 Managing Conflict in the Workplace
1315 - 1630 Gordon Douglas, Acting Director, Queen’s Students Union & Una Reid, Head of Events, Ceremonial and Conferencing, Queen’s University, Belfast 
(1445 - 1500 Refreshment Break)

Friday 7 December 2012: Newark Room

Session 7 Creative Well-being
0900 - 1230 Liz Comerton, Certified Counsellor, British Association of Anger Management 
1045 – 1100 Refreshment Break

1230 - 1300  Presentation of Certificates by Prof. Yvonne Galligan
1300 - 1400  Lunch in the Old Staff Common Room

The deadline for applications is 16th November 2012. For more information, please contact, Victoria Montgomery on 02890 973629 or email For more information including photos and feedback please go to


Tuesday 21 August 2012

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