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Catalyst for Change Award


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Catalyst for Change Award
In partnership with Bank of Ireland, the Catalyst for Change Award aims to recognise and celebrate the incredible individuals who are driving positive change within the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

We're looking to honour those who not only excel in pioneering world-leading innovation but also demonstrate a deep commitment to creating equal opportunities for all. By generously offering their expertise pro bono, they act as Catalysts, empowering new ventures to thrive.

  • The nominee must be a founder of an innovative business. 
  • The business must be post-launch, sustainable, and revenue-generating. 
  • Evidence of active volunteering and impact within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. 
  • The nominee demonstrates a commitment to inclusion.
  • The nominee is based in Northern Ireland or the North West Region of Ireland. 
Those shortlisted will be informed and invited to the INVENT Awards on 3rd October 2024, where the winner will be announced. Nominations close on Monday 1st July 2024.

Nominations are confidential. Nominees are not informed of their nomination unless they are shortlisted for the award. Self-nominations are also permitted.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

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