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From Clooney to Calling: Embracing Authenticity in Your Career Path


Thursday 2 May 2024

From Clooney to Calling: Embracing Authenticity in Your Career Path
In the journey of career planning, it's easy to feel lost and overwhelmed, especially when the pressure to conform to societal expectations looms large. Everyone has it all figured out, or so it seems, much like the Instagram vs. reality meme, the truth is often far from that picture-perfect image. We're all sailing in the same boat of uncertainty, making choices that shape our destinies, while having no clue what’s really happening.

Before we dive into some thoughts on career planning, let me share a personal story that highlights the importance of authenticity in this process. In my teenage years, I was captivated by the medical drama "ER," and the allure of a career in medicine seemed exactly what I wanted. Picture this: teenage me, inspired by George Clooney's charismatic portrayal of  Dr Ross, ready to embark on a journey to save lives. However, reality hit hard - I soon realised I couldn't stomach the sight of an open wound, let alone navigate the cadaveric dissection training required for a medical career. Thank goodness I trusted my instincts and veered away from the path that clearly wasn't meant for me. I did however win the Best Improved in Science Award at Prize Day that year, all was not lost. I guess this anecdote serves as a reminder that career choices are deeply personal and should align with your true self and not an American medical drama.
Four steps to career planning:

ONE - Get rid of the ego and drive for status: Shedding the societal expectations and the desire for status is the first step in crafting a fulfilling career. While it's tempting to chase after prestigious titles and high-paying jobs, true satisfaction comes from aligning your work with your values and passions. The pursuit of status often leads to a hollow victory, leaving you unfulfilled in the long run. Although, I do think you can have both, but that’s another conversation for another day. 

TWO - Find something you truly love doing: The heart of strategic career planning lies in discovering your true passions. What activities make your soul come alive? What could you do for hours without feeling drained? Identifying your genuine interests lays the foundation for a career that is not just a job but a calling. It's about finding joy and fulfilment in your daily tasks.

THREE - Find your Purpose: Beyond the surface-level enjoyment of your work, seek a deeper connection by identifying your purpose. What impact do you want to make on the world? What legacy do you aspire to leave? Understanding your purpose provides a guiding light, steering you through the challenges and uncertainties. Your career becomes a meaningful journey rather than a series of tasks or tick the box exercise.

FOUR - But how do I make money I hear you ask?: The intersection of passion and purpose is a fertile ground for monetisation. When you genuinely love what you do and understand its broader significance, opportunities to turn your passion into a career naturally unfold. Whether it's through entrepreneurship, innovation, or joining a mission-driven organisation, the financial rewards follow when you stay true to your authentic self.

In a world that often prioritises the destination over the journey, strategic career planning becomes an invaluable tool when navigating professional landscapes. By discarding the ego, embracing true passions, discovering purpose, and trusting authenticity, the path forward becomes clearer. So, as you embark on your career journey, remember: it's not about having it all figured out but about crafting a story that aligns with the real you. May your compass be guided by passion, purpose, and the courage to be authentically yourself. And not because you are 15 and have a crush on George Clooney.

Author Jules Black

Thursday 2 May 2024

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