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Lucy Traynor Coaching

Being happy is real success.  Sometimes it is not easy getting to that point as to do so means being truly honest with yourself in order to discover what happiness actually means to you; that takes time out of an already busy life and time to reflect. 

Monday 17 December 2018

Lucy Traynor Coaching
Being happy is real success.  Sometimes it is not easy getting to that point as to do so means being truly honest with yourself in order to discover what happiness actually means to you; that takes time out of an already busy life and time to reflect. 
My mantra is Believe It: Achieve It and as a confidence coach I love being on the coaching journey with my clients, seeing how they take control of their lives, make decisions putting themselves first, change their thinking, become stronger and feel great about themselves.  
People come to coaching for many reasons but common threads are: stuck in a rut, unhappy at work, lack of or no confidence, job application preparation, interview techniques, professional supervision and while everyone has the desire to change many don’t know where to start.  
Confidence, or lack of it, is repeatedly raised at coaching sessions.  It is often seen as arrogance, it is not.  Some people strive for perfection but what is perfection, does it really exist? 
The social media world constantly bombards us with images and stories of perfection which creates insecurities and beliefs that we are lacking in our lives.  This is highly edited storytelling, it is not the real world. 
I also work with organisations supporting them address people and relationship issues.  In line with my values I only work with like-minded organisations that:
  • Are free of egos - these are damaging, wasteful and impress no one
  • Recognise, value and develop ‘the mix’ of individual skills
  • Embrace uniqueness and character; listen, ask and involve; bottle the learning; encourage innovation; deliver substance and measure what matters
  • Take accountability for tough decisions and difficult conversations; performance manage effectively and positively; lead in a strong and motivational way
  • and do all this with respect and care.
Maybe it is time to invest in you or in your organisation.  Is it time to dig deep and ask yourself some honest questions, to determine what you really want, understand your skills and experiences and put them to best use?  Whatever you want to achieve or address, together we tackle the obstacles and make a plan for you to enjoy a happier life at work and at home.
Find out more on Lucy Traynor Coaching at >>>

Monday 17 December 2018

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