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At a glance…

Need help when it comes to building up your confidence and resilience in the working world?

Join this webinar for the perfect chance to step away from the noise of your busy career - explore self-awareness, learn how to overcome workplace challenges and prioritise self-care.

With insights on how to make work, work for you, you will learn:

  • How to get comfortable with being uncomfortable

  • How to take the steps to overcome imposter syndrome

  • How to build confidence while managing your inner critic

  • How to identify your own stress patterns

  • How to figure out how to balance - blending your work and personal life to achieve your goals

With our expert facilitator, Sarah Travers of Bespoke Communications, on hand to provide you with the tools needed to build your resilience in order to better manage those challenges, say yes to the opportunities that come your way and maintain positive personal wellbeing in the face of adversity!

This online event is a taster of our upcoming, in person, Reflect and Reboot - Resilience Workshop on Wed 19th Oct.
