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Mindfulness for wellbeing and greater happiness
All of us are increasingly juggling busy lives at home and in work. Mindfulness is a proven way to cope with stress, build emotional resilience and be happier.
Monday 22 September 2014

Many successful and savvy Fortune 500 companies are doing it, Google have their own mindfulness programme for staff. Arianna Huffington is a huge fan of the practice. She calls it the ‘3rd Metric’, alongside money and power – wellbeing is a sign of success and mindfulness is a clinically proven way to improve wellbeing.
Sound good? :)
I am a qualified mindfulness teacher, teaching mindfulness courses in Belfast. In March 2014 I left my full time job to expand my company Immeasurable Minds. Immeasurable Minds are the minds of love, joy, compassion and equanimity. It is my goal to encourage the arising of these qualities through my courses and workshops. On 5 September 2014 I gave a TEDxStormont talk on a key theme running through all my classes: ‘Stopping, Calming, Resting and Healing’ and how science shows the benefit of this to our mental health, physical body and overall wellbeing.
Personally I am fully aware of the great benefits mindfulness practice brings to our everyday lives and have used the practice to help me in many stressful and difficult situations, including getting up on that stage and speaking in front of 200 people! To me mindfulness is not just a tool or an instrument to be used in times of stress, rather it is a path or a way of life that leads to happiness. I’m inspired by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and every year I visit his centre, Plum Village, France. Taking time out renews my spirit and gives me energy to hold the space for my classes.
Many of my students have also changed their lives for the better as a result of learning the practice. Mindfulness can be helpful for everyone, I have taught 4 year olds – 80 year olds, doctors, politicians, students and the unemployed. You don’t need any special qualifications to practice it, just a willingness to give it ago. It is recommended by the NHS as a treatment for re-occuring depression and has been proven effective for those suffering from anxiety, chronic pain and even cancer.
I'm believe you, your employees and colleagues could benefit greatly from mindfulness. Details of the courses and workshops I offer to organisations can be found here:
From Monday 6 October I will be running an 8-week Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course for professionals in Belfast at The Warehouse, James Street South. The course also includes an all-day retreat (with lunch) on 9 November 2014.
I would love an opportunity to talk to you more about mindfulness and how it can help you and your organisation/employees, please contact me 07981623566, or via my website:
Monday 22 September 2014